Cybermaster D-Carbo Suite
The advantages of Cybermaster
D-Carbo suite include the following:
Dedicated Ship & Office Version connected through cloud
User friendly GUI with Intuitive Navigation
Ability to be interfaced with sensors / flowmeters
Along with our autonomous technology product, the D-Carbo Suite forms an integrated ecosystem allowing users to automatically collect data and monitor their ship performance in real time
The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of this product is 9, system proven and ready for full commercial deployment.
Cybermaster D-Carbo suite consists of the following applications :

The key features of SEAii application are as follows:

Monitor Fuel Consumption & Calculate CII

Report data for IMO DCS Compliance
Real-time data transmission

Generate analytics based on fuel consumption

Easy to generate compliance reports

Dedicated dashboards for office and ship installations

Alerts and warnings for violations

Vessel Performance Comparison & Management
The main features of EMOBS application are as follows:
Emission Calculation
Calculates the amount
of carbon emission in
sea / port.
EEOI Calculation
Track the fuel
efficiency for
different voyages.
Voyage wise Status
A complete insight to
various voyage undertaken
in a calendar year.
Fuel Consumption
An interactive chart
enables you to account for
fuelconsumptions at
MRV Reports
Automatic MRV Report
for submission to
The advantages of SUMA ProPoLi are as follows:
Overridable EEXI device suitable for Controllable Pitch Propulsion (CPP) systems.
Operatable from both Engine Control Room (ECR) as well as Wheelhouse
Easy to Install and Maintain
Automatic data collection
No manual recordkeeping
Type approved be Lloyds Register (LR)
24 x 7 customer support
TRL of this product is 9 and it is ready for commercial deployment

The key features of SUMA EFE are as follows:
Achieving fuel savings through combinator mode of CPP system
Decision support matrix for any given speed using numerical propeller model
Integrating Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Algorithms for improved prediction calculation
Achieve up to 6% fuel efficiency in a year
Helps ship owners reduce their OpEx
Save carbon tax with EU/UK ETS with each passing year
The TRL of this system is also 9 and is ready for commercial deployment.
The key features of WaveNav are elaborated below:
Enhanced decision support module
Route calculation based on POD and POA information
Digital twins are used to determine actual behaviour of ships in seaways.
Calculates the optimum Speed, Power, RPM etc.
Helps to maintain the CII rating of the vessel.
Develop models to analyse the operational trends of the vessel
Can be integrated with SUMA EFE for improved predictions
The TRL of this product is 4.